
Sarajevo 2012. A week in Sarajevo this year was too little time, but on the other hand, we really enjoyed every moment to the fullest. We defied the heat and went out every day and every night. I didn't get many hours of sleep during the week, but many wonderful moments.

I ate like never before. It was almost like we were trying to compensate for the fact that we would only be there for a week and ate even more than usual. I'm telling you people, here you can die in a food coma. Cheap and delicious.

I've never had a boring night in Sloga. Our first night out was awesome, just as all other nights.

A visit to the restaurant Park Princeva is a must every year, the view of Sarajevo is absolutely wonderful.

So is a visit to small bars like Pirat. Crowded, sweaty, loud and awesome! But those words describe almost all places in Bosnia. The best thing would be if they put in spray showers everywhere, you get all wet anyway.

When it was too hot to walk around town we hung out in Ernas lovely garden where we had to spray us down with a water from the hose every five minutes in order to survive the heat.

We played a drinking game with the hardest rules we could come up with and showed no mercy. Note how the kings gathered at Erna, which means she had to drink glass after glass, haha.

While the guys went to a concert, we girls had a girls night out in Sloga. As if they knew about it, at one point they started playing real girl power songs like "I will survive" followed by some Severina. Perfect.

And this is how the days looked for the most part... Coffee or a drink in Vatra, hookah in Dibek, food, food and more food in Bascarsija. The usual, in other words. Everything that I'm now going to miss for a whole year.

We saw more tourists in Sarajevo than ever before. Here is a large group from some Asian country. Of course, with lots of colorful umbrellas as protection from the sun. A funny sight.

One of the few times we ate "non-Bosnian" food was in Vapiano, which just like McDonalds tastes exactly the same everywhere. The only difference is the price.

"We will take it easy tonight," we said and ordered one liter each. We love the colorful straws, that's why.

We went on Hari Mata Hari's concert in Dom mladih one night, which was kind of a fail, one can say. It was half empty and it went on only for one hour or two. But it was ok, it was Sunday anyway and we got to sing a little.

Dear BBI shopping center that provides us with air conditioning when we are about to die of heat stroke - and wifi. Speaking of which, I must point out that you can find free wifi almost everywhere. Watch and learn rest of Europe, damn moneysuckers.

For those of you who have not been in Sarajevo, it is one of the few cities where you can find Catholic and Orthodox churches, mosques and synagogues in the same place. Describes Bosnia & Herzegovina as it should have looked like...

For those of you who have not been in Sarajevo, it is one of the few cities where you can find Catholic and Orthodox churches, mosques and synagogues in the same place. Describes Bosnia & Herzegovina as it should have looked like...

And that was it from Sarajevo this year, before we went on to Croatia. I put all images in one post instead of splitting it up, I hope that your computers didn't crash and that you managed to look through it all!
Back in Stockholm

I'm back after a crazy good vacation! I can't tell whether it was best in Bosnia, Croatia or Italy - which is exactly the way I want it to be! I couldn't have asked for anything better, everything went perfectly well, unlike last year's vacation and its misfortunes. No diseases, no bad weather, only maximum pleasure with wonderful people that I already miss. Although the vacation was shorter than usual, barely a month, the weeks seemed much longer since I have done and experienced so much. And yet it was over in a second.
Over is actually the wrong word, my holiday continues in Sweden for another month. The joy of coming home to my room, my bed, my Swedish milk and all other home stuff may be short, but I can be happy for one more free month, which I will spend with all my friends here at home. I love this part of the summer too.
And as usual, you can expect a lot of pictures to be uploaded!
And as usual, you can expect a lot of pictures to be uploaded!
More from Sarajevo

More pictures from my last days in Sarajevo, even though you will see all these pictures again in a better and bigger size from my regular camera. The week in Sarajevo was wonderful but oh so short. Time flies when you have fun. However, my vacation continues in Croatia where I'm right now, enjoying the sun, the sea and some more fun!
Enjoying Sarajevo

Sarajevo so far. The first days of my vacation has been absolutely wonderful!! It's a special feeling of happiness when you come back to everything you've missed for a year. However, I am very tired after having been out every day and night since we got here, and the heat doesn't make things easier. But I won't complain, life is really good right now!
Summer Holidays

First stop: Sarajevo. Then we'll continue on to Croatia and after that, Italy. Rome, more exactly. I have been missing, waiting and longing for this day. I'll be gone whole July, enjoying the good life. I hope you have a wonderful summer!
Instagram - June 2

The Instagram pics in the second half of June continued in the same style, with pictures of myself and a lot of sweets.

Found a pleasant surprise in the freezer one day and my bikini diet went to hell before it even started. Me and mom ate even more ice cream at lunch breaks. I also went on a couples date at the movies and saw Snow White and the huntsman, a very good movie!

Midsummer weekend was spent at Jasmins in Uppsala with BBQ x 2, of which one was with Natalie and her boyfriend, and the fantastic bucket grill. I also watched a lot of soccer this month.

Found a chubby baby at the office, I just wanted to eat him up! But unfortunately I had to restrain myself. I ate some cinnamon buns for the European Championship finals and went on sunny walks with my boyfriend.

Midsummer weekend was spent at Jasmins in Uppsala with BBQ x 2, of which one was with Natalie and her boyfriend, and the fantastic bucket grill. I also watched a lot of soccer this month.

Found a chubby baby at the office, I just wanted to eat him up! But unfortunately I had to restrain myself. I ate some cinnamon buns for the European Championship finals and went on sunny walks with my boyfriend.

I went to the gym once this month (WOHO!) and bought some new bikinis. Ready for summer vacation 2012.
Instagram: lanakarat. During july I will probably be active on Instagram instead of the blog!
Instagram: lanakarat. During july I will probably be active on Instagram instead of the blog!
Karin's Birthday