Tokyo - Harajuku
Harajuku was a very fun area to hang around in, especially on Sundays this time of year when an awful lot of people gather, especially young people, on the streets and in the huge Yoyogi park. I don't know really how to describe Harajuku. There is so much fun, unexpected and weird in whichever way you look. As I said earlier, the park is full of people who hang out, eat and drink (this is where the otherwise neat and organized Japanese freak out and drink until they pass out - literally) and does everything from playing badminton to tightrope walking, roleplay in sick costumes, playing bagpipes, jumping around on stilts, dancing dressed as rockabillys... The list is long on everything we saw.

The two main shopping streets, Omotesando and Takeshita-dori, really gave a great contrast to the area. Omotesando was full of luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Prada, while Takeshita-dori was the complete opposite.

On the bridge near the train station you could see gatherings of people who engage in cosplay, a Japanese form of masquerade. They are quite extreme with their costumes. Unfortunately we arrived a little late and only met a few cosplayers.

This picture was taken right at the beginning of the huge park. I don't have many photos from this park visit, because we knew we were going back there the following week when the cherry trees would blossom. They had just started to bloom...

This street, Takeshita-dori, is said to be one of Tokyo's most crowded places on weekends. For some reason I insisted on coming here at the weekends. I was here several times since I couldn't get enough of all the wacky and kitsch shops with all sorts of funny, cute and totally unnecessary things. I miss it already!

Sometimes I almost paniced when going into all these shops, you don't know what to look at first!

Purikura!!! I had heard about these Japanese photo booths and was quite excited when we found them, it was even funnier than I expected. The pictures make you look like a doll, and afterwards you can edit the images, apply makeup on yourself, write text, add icons, etc..

I thought our pictures were funny, until I saw the guys.
