Architectural education
To enter the programme:
In Secondary School (high school) I studed the Social Science Programme, even though I already in elementary school thought about studying architecture. I knew I could choose to have extra math to qualify for the Architecture Programme. You can only apply for the programme once a year. There are three ways to enter the programme and you can apply in all three groups simultaneously. You can apply through your high school grades, by the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test or by doing the Architect test. It has always been a high minimum of entry qualifications due to architecture being a popular education. I entered the programme through my grades and never did the architect test, therefore I can't tell you much about it but you can read about the test here.
About the education
Why I chose the Architect programme
My experience so far
I am very grateful that I entered the programme and started studying directly after high school (I did have some hesitations about that before graduation) because so far I am more satisfied and happier than I ever imagined I would be before I started. During the last two months I've realized that I really want to work with this in the future and it fits me very well. I am aware of that my attitude and desire may change, but right now there is absolutely nothing else I want to do. I can't imagine any better job than a job where I can express my creativity and create something myself for other people.
A very big reason that I enjoy the education is the social environment and the wonderful people I ended up with. We are a great mix of personalities and ages that all goes well together and share a common interest. Thanks to these groups of 20 people each it's still a comfortable class feeling that I thought I would lose after high school. Because our days are long, we also spend a lot of time together. Required time is 9-5 but it often happens that we sit and work after 5 because we do much practical work. The school is open 24/7. This way of studying suits me very well because I find it hard to study at home. No matter what time I get home it's so nice to come home and relax without thinking about school. However, I know there will be more studies at home when we are writing exams and when we begin to work more with computer programs.
I hesitated to start studying directly after high school because I was afraid of being too occupied by the education. Today I am occupied by the education, but I don't mind. I want to be occupied by this. I don't mind spending much time in school because I enjoy what I do and I always have other people around me that I have fun with and who are going through the same thing as me.
After this long post I finally want to say that if you want to study architecture, fight for it! It may be hard to enter the programme but there is always a way to get in, although it may take years of trial. Don't give up too easily, it is after all something you may do for the rest of your life, and I think it is very important to work with something you love.

Stockholms ugliest building and nowadays my second home.
Halloween masquerade


Sometimes I get a good feeling
We have been doing a bit of everything this week in school which has made the week go by very fast. In addition to school I have, among other things, wasted much of my newly received student grants on shopping, satisfied my soul by spending time with Karin, and today after school I went to a pub with people from the class, something that seems to become a Friday tradition. Now I'm home and I'm still restless and in a party mood. But the partying will have to wait until tomorrow when it's time for a Halloween party!
Something else pleasant is that we've begun to discuss the tour that will take place in spring. The class wants go to... TOKYO! I don't dare to even think about it yet, it would be too good to be true. But there is a possibility. GAH!!!

Future architects
Since our days in school are long, people tend to get a bit out of line sometimes. Here my classmates organized a tournament. You didn't think we sit and work all day, did you?
This is what I'm made of
The work on the new project has not started yet, so I'm still calm. Today we had lectures all day instead. I could barely keep my eyes open, although the topics were interesting. It's some lecturers' calm and monotone voice that is the problem, they might as well have given me a pillow and sleeping pills...
Just so all my old high school friends know, I'm still the same. I still sleep far too little, I still press the wrong button when I snooze and arrive late to class, I still find it difficult to stay awake during lectures, I'm still useless when it comes to checking the school e-mail, I'm even more worthless at reading the texts we are given to read before the lectures and I still can't go without lots of sweets during the day. It didn't take long before my new mates noticed my slacker qualities, haha. I miss Karin, I need someone who is worse than me! And someone who is willing to give me a real slap when nothing else works against sleepiness, which I know from experience that she is.
Days of fall
After Saturday's partying it was really nice to spend Sunday just lying at home, taking a walk and ending the day with a visit to the movies. It's a shame that we get so little of these sunny days of fall before winter strikes.
New project


This week we have art week in which we are mostly going to practice our drawing skills. It's perfect for me since I love to draw but need to learn more about techniques and tools. However, we started with something other than drawing...
Our class was tasked to build large animals of cardboard and were divided into two groups to make one animal each.

There was much cutting, folding and gluing.

My group built a large gorilla.

Eventually we had two complete animals with the gorilla and the three-meter tall giraffe...

... which we will draw with various tools and techniques...

... and have some fun with. Awesome costume or what?

Me and my pet.

Don't mess with it.

Just give it some lovin'.

And pimpin'.

Happy times

Moj je zivot igra bez granica

Spaghetti and glue

If there is anything you wonder about, ask!
More from Paris

I want to return to Paris. And stay there for a while. I've only made two visits but am already very comfortable in that city. I love it. I'm sorry that I haven't been there for a longer time, all I've had time for during my two visits, apart from the match, is to do what the ordinary tourist do and see the most common sights. I want to have enough time to sit in cafés for hours, spend whole days shopping, try out the nightlife, sit and read a book in the wonderful parks and see everything you don't have time to notice as a tourist who is there for only a few days. Paris, I will be back.
Hardcore Bosnians on tour in Paris
I will begin by paying tribute to our fantastic team. They were so good. They truly exceeded my expectations and we really deserved to win. Unfortunately the match ended 1-1 when France scored in an unfear penalty, which was the same as a loss for us. It wasn't unexpected. The happiness when we scored was absolutely indescribable and worth the whole trip, I think we all fell off the chairs, but for the rest of the game we waited for what always happens when we play a crucial match against one of the "big" teams. Eventually the judge will give enough cards, penalties or extra minutes for us to stumble across the finish line. We should be used to it, but it hurts just as much every time. It would have been easier if France kicked our ass totally instead. Non-Bosnians too admit that we deserved to win, and even some Frenchmen admitted that we were better.
I must also pay tribute to us, all Bosnians from all over the world who went to Paris for the game. We were over 20,000 Bosnians, a quarter of the packed stadium, and was just as hyped as usual. We marched around and sang a few hours before we got to the stadium and still had the energy to stand up and cheer constantly throughout the match. I read that a French reporter said that it has never happened before that the other teams fans were louder than the French at their home arena. It doesn't matter how many times we stumble across the finish line, we will continue to cheer with the same hope. Next time we need hope is when we play against Portugal in the playoffs, again.
Happy Birthday Dennis
16 years ago, I got the best gift I ever could have gotten. Since then there hasn't been anyone else I love more. Congratulations my dear brother, wish you all the best in life.
Anyway, soon my man will be here and he's staying until next Tuesday when we'll be going to Paris. Can't believe that it is the day after tomorrow! All school work made me forget about it for a while. Are there any more of you Bosnian readers who will travel to Paris to cheer? I don't want to jinx it but... it will be totally freakin 'awesome.
Project 1
As a final task, which will be evaluated together with the previous sub-tasks, we were supposed to create a "safehouse" to protect against an optional threat, everything from the end of the world and natural disasters to stress. To make it short, my house has protection against intruders, and has a circular rotating inside. When it rotates it covers windows and doors with concrete mass, and has some other features too. It took a very long time to build a model with a rotating inside, I'll tell you! The inside of the colorful drawings can also be rotated. Great that I thought of that after struggling with the model.