Project 1
I have to say that I have never ever been so committed to and occupied by school work. For a few days my life consisted of the project, school, the people at school and nothing else. I went there in the morningand worked on the project, went home late at night and thought of the project, went to bed and dreamed of the project. I barely answered to any messages and was irritated everytime the phone rang, I barely saw my familyand I haven't checked my computer in four(!) days, which is a long time for me. Everything took much longer timethan I expected, and since I yet haven't learned how the computer programs work I had to do all the drawings by hand. I came home at one o'clock last night after struggling with preparation of the presentation (Note to self:always leave a full day for preparations) and was so up in high gear when I got home that started to cut and crop images to three o'clock. When I realized how obsessed I've become I went to bed to get at least a few hours sleepbefore the criticism today, which by the way went great!
As a final task, which will be evaluated together with the previous sub-tasks, we were supposed to create a "safehouse" to protect against an optional threat, everything from the end of the world and natural disasters to stress. To make it short, my house has protection against intruders, and has a circular rotating inside. When it rotates it covers windows and doors with concrete mass, and has some other features too. It took a very long time to build a model with a rotating inside, I'll tell you! The inside of the colorful drawings can also be rotated. Great that I thought of that after struggling with the model.

Project 1 of 3 in grade 1 is done! What a great feeling. I'm proud of myself. But I'm so exhausted, both mentally and physically, that I need a few days of sleep now.