This is what I'm made of

The work on the new project has not started yet,
so I'm still calm. Today we had lectures all day instead. I could barely keep my eyes open, although the topics were interesting. It's some lecturers' calm and monotone voice that is the problem, they might as well have given me a pillow and sleeping pills...

Just so all my old high school friends know, I'm still the same. I still sleep far too little, I still press the wrong button when I snooze and arrive late to class, I still find it difficult to stay awake during lectures, I'm still useless when it comes to checking the school e-mail, I'm even more worthless at reading the texts we are given to read before the lectures and I still can't go without lots of sweets during the day. It didn't take long before my new mates noticed my slacker qualities, haha​​. I miss Karin, I need someone who is worse than me! And someone who is willing to give me a real slap when nothing else works against sleepiness, which I know from experience that she is.


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