Cheers to the Weekend

You can tell that summer and fun times are comming up. Parties, coffee breaks, "after work" drinks - there is more energy for everything. And now it's not long before the real fun begins. May Day, two concerts in May, the trip to Latvia in June and... summer, summer, summer. The one thing everyone is nagging about with a desperate longing. The only problem is that you have to finish your studies even though it's so much other things you'd rather do. The usual problem this time of the year...
Although I should be studying 24/7 now, I still have spent some time on my social life. Weekend is still weekend. Aside from from several birthday parties, I've also met my beloved girls (must do that before I go underground with the project). Sitting in the sun with Karin, five hours at a bar with Amela, listening to Ernas stories while on a car drive or taking a long walk with Natalie makes me overloaded with energy. It's also one of the main reasons that I'm longing for summer so much, I want to spend more quality time with my closest friends.
And now it's 99 days left to the U.S. Two-digit, YEY.
Summer in the USA

Most parts of our U.S. trip are now booked! Four different flights and hotels, and a rental car. Only Las Vegas and Grand Canyon left. I'm not a person who can "take it as it comes", for a trip like this I like to have things booked and planned in advance, with much research. If you only knew how much time I have spent on Google in recent months... Maybe I've taken it to the extreme by already knowing which train we should take from San Francisco airport to the hotel, how long it takes and what it costs, and how to go from the train station to the hotel because I have walked the route virtually in Google Maps... I'm willing to admit that. But I know that my skills will be appreciated when we get there and drag our heavy suitcases around.

You can see the route in the pictures above. First, we land in New York where we'll spend almost a week before flying to the West Coast where we plan a road trip from San Francisco (A) to San Diego (D) along the famous Highway 1. We're planning to stay several days in each city. Exactly how we'll get to Las Vegas (E) is still not set, but the idea is that we'll stay there for a few days, one of those days will be a trip to the Grand Canyon (F), and then fly back home via New York. We have a few months left until August to plan, prepare and earn enough savings for the trip, and pray that nothing goes wrong (I've already had to solve problem after problem) but I can barely wait! If you have tips, besides the usual you find in any travel guide, you are very welcome to share them!
Best friend & Rosé

This year's first sip of rosé in a sidewalk café, a perfect end of the weekend! My future politician recently returned from Brussels and had a lot of interesting to tell, and as usual, fill me with my necessary dose of her. After every meeting and conversation, I always feel so lucky to have this wonderful woman in my life. And is there anything more wonderful than seeing your best friends doing what they enjoy, being happy and just radiating positive energy? I just want to sit in our little bubble of positive energy forever and ever. And drink wine. In the sun.
I've been doing everything and nothing

Since everybody is pale after the winter and slightly camera shy, myself included, food images from Instagram will have to do as some form of representation of what I've been doing lately. If I even remember what I've done... (this is why you have a BLOG!). The week started very strange. I suddenly got sick the night of Sunday and had a fever that persisted throughout the day no matter what I did. I had so much pain in my body and I thought I was screwed for the rest of the week, but the next day I woke up like nothing had happened. I was not even tired as you usually are when you've been lying half dead the day before. What... the...? Good job my little white blood cells.
Time has flown by since then and the rest of the week has been spent writing essays, preparing presentations, and again a lot of reservations and other preparations - it never ends. But I like it (to a certain amount), I get energy from it. And time goes by faster. I have never ever been so mindfucked when it comes to the perception of time as I am now. Because of this never ending winter I constantly have to remind myself that it is almost May and that January was not yesterday but a few months ago! Still waiting for that horrific pollen shock... I have prepared myself with tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops, this year I'm ready. Bring it on biaaatch.
Work in progress

It feels like this project just started, but yesterday already it was time for discussion about what we have done so far. I'm still doing rough drafts and I've realized that a month left to deadline is too little time. There is a lot to think about, everything from construction to design and what materials I should use, and the materials life cycle. We go deeper into the details for each project, but I think this project is the most exciting so far. We'll see what I say when I start tearing my hair off in a few weeks, haha.
Yellow yellow dirty fellow

And so the weeks at work came to an end, just when I started getting used to waking up early. Or not. Tomorrow I return to a ton of school work. Ah, life... I have at least earned some money for the summer. I must give myself some cred since I have saved up over my expectations these months. It feels really good to stick to a challenge you gave yourself, and know you're getting closer to the goal, in my case, the trip to the U.S. I think it's always good to have goals to strive for, big or small, whether it is to save up for a trip, study for your dream profession, become fitter or whatsoever. You are motivated and you feel good for each step closer to the goal. So... don't be goalless... neither in a soccer game nor in life.