Summer in the USA

Most parts of our U.S. trip are now booked! Four different flights and hotels, and a rental car. Only Las Vegas and Grand Canyon left. I'm not a person who can "take it as it comes", for a trip like this I like to have things booked and planned in advance, with much research. If you only knew how much time I have spent on Google in recent months... Maybe I've taken it to the extreme by already knowing which train we should take from San Francisco airport to the hotel, how long it takes and what it costs, and how to go from the train station to the hotel because I have walked the route virtually in Google Maps... I'm willing to admit that. But I know that my skills will be appreciated when we get there and drag our heavy suitcases around.

You can see the route in the pictures above. First, we land in New York where we'll spend almost a week before flying to the West Coast where we plan a road trip from San Francisco (A) to San Diego (D) along the famous Highway 1. We're planning to stay several days in each city. Exactly how we'll get to Las Vegas (E) is still not set, but the idea is that we'll stay there for a few days, one of those days will be a trip to the Grand Canyon (F), and then fly back home via New York. We have a few months left until August to plan, prepare and earn enough savings for the trip, and pray that nothing goes wrong (I've already had to solve problem after problem) but I can barely wait! If you have tips, besides the usual you find in any travel guide, you are very welcome to share them!