Off to Tokyo!

It still feels unreal that I'm going, but now it's time! My bags are packed, as usual I have anxiety because I believe I forgot something, and soon we are off to the airport for the longest flight I've ever flown, 8.5 hours to Beijing and then a few hours more to Tokyo. We will be away for two whole weeks. I doubt that there will be any blogging while I'm there, but you can find me on Instagram! SO LONG!
Project 3
The project is not over yet, we will proceed with the construction technical part later, but a big part is finally done! I am very pleased with my project and feel that it is the best I've done so far. It is wonderful to feel a great development for each project. There are a lot of ideas and concept behind this project, a lot about social integration, but I won't go into it any deeper right now. Instead, it's time for me to get the project out of my mind and concentrate on packing for the trip! No time for recovery here. I have not had time to either think about the trip or be happy about it, much less about when, how and what to pack.

Instagram - March
The month is not over yet, but since I have a project to finish and will go away next week, here comes some pictures from instagram now instead.

March began with sunshine and spring weather which made it much easier to get to school in the morning. I felt alert and happy, and had a good hair day when the picture was taken (rarely happens these days).

I have been listening a lot to these two songs, Gotye - Somebody that I used to know och Fun - We are young.

It was my birthday and I was as usual very happy about it. Got some really cute chocolate, almost too cute to be eaten.

The birthday night ended at the casino where I won some money at the roulette for the first time in my life. After that I didn't dare to play anymore *n00b*. I bought some clothes for my birthday money, including this blue blazer.

I also got new shoes that I love and use all the time, and got hooked on this "mint" trend.

Had coffee and studied at Wayne's Coffee with a classmate and walked around in the city on sunny days.

We had some game nights with Monopoly, lots of snacks and the Swedish Eurovision Song Contest. Speaking of games, I've started to play The Sims again, six years later (I was a real sims nerd once upon a time). I say it's for my studies, haha. Designing houses in school all day and designing houses for my Sims in the evening. I will go psychotic soon.

Work in progress - the drawings began to take shape after many hours with AutoCAD. To the right is a picture of me who discovered mom's green cardigan from the '80s.
Worlds greatest
What a Tuesday it was yesterday, from being the worst to the best in a long time. I was so tired that it took me several hours to get out of bed in the morning. I had to go to school anyway and didn't get home until later in the evening, if possible, even more tired. I just wanted to pass out in my bed but had to turn on the computer again since Karin had insisted on a skype date. I began to wonder if something had happened since she's comming home in a week anyway.
There I am sitting, tired, worn and unfresh in my filthy room, staring at the screen, waiting for her to log on, wondering what she is doing on the other side of the world at this very moment, when the door to my room opens ... and in comes KARIN! That shock. It was difficult for my brain to connect, when I seconds before had been totally set on that she is far, far away. When I after a number of seconds realized that I'm not dreaming, I started screaming and crying with happiness/fear/shock, and just as every farewell/reunion we ended up hugging and crying for a while.
And now I feel like the happiest in the world after the evening with my best friend. I feel like a part of me was missing for months and has now fallen into place, and suddenly, life became much easier. There really isn't anyone or anything that can fill her place. Oh, I'm so happy! I even want to get home from Japan to make up for just EVERYTHING we have missed.
Bosnia - Croatia - Italia

The booking is done and the tickets are bought! In July we will do (ako Bog da) the usual route with an additional destination - after Croatia we are heading across the Adriatic to Italy! Oh, I can't wait!
Time flies and so do I
It's me and AutoCAD again, together forever. I have been working with CAD all day, my eyes are damaged and my head aches! I will probably go away in my little work bubble this week before the deadline. Time will go by fast, and right after the criticism we are off to Tokyo. I still can't believe it. As a reward for today, I going to do some online shopping for my birthday money and then go to bed, early. Is hell freezing over?

In a few weeks I'll see the Japanese cherry trees bloom in Tokyo! Happiness!!
Touch the sky
Once again I have the feeling that I'm in over my head with a project. I know that once again I will stress to the end and still not finish everything I want to in time. Why am I doing this to myself? Why do I choose the biggest possible challenge? My first project was a four-story building with spinning floors, my second project was a luxury hotel and now I have chosen to make a... skyscraper! More exactly, two crossing skyscrapers. It will be a new landmark in Stockholm, a building higher than Kaknästornet, and it's a very fun project, except that I halfway realized how little time I have. Story of my life... But it is also the story of my life to always make it in the end. To the right you can see the shape of my building.

The Birthday Celebration

I had a wonderful birthday with the people I love most in the world. After a short day at school I met up with Mom for shopping and coffee in the lovely sun. I thought that I would only meet with Jasmin later, but instead the whole family showed up as a little surprise. We ate at a nice Italian restaurant where I mostly sat and thought about how much I love my family, with my brother who complains about it being too expensive and that you can buy three pizzas for the same price in our neighbourhood, my cheesy and over-enthusiastic mother, my father with his jokes that you just have to laugh at, I who talk too much and don't let anyone eat until I photographed the food and Jasmin who laughs at us all. Can you ask for a better family? They are so wonderful. Oh, I feel the lump in my throat... Anyway, after dinner we parted, and the evening ended with drinks and some casino gambling, just because I now am old enough. I didn't dare to gamble much, but the important thing is that I went out with more cash than I came in with! Lana Vs. Casino, 1-0.
It was kind of nice not to have my birthday over the weekend for a change, I didn't have to plan and organize a party/dinner/night out (those who know me know what anxiety I usually have if everything isn't perfect and under control) and instead I could just relax and enjoy the day. Thank you beloved family, boyfriend, friends and all the other fine people in my life for your congratulations and nice words. Love you!

Today I'm turning 20!! No more teenager. I'm as usual on my best mood this day, even though it's monday. It's gonna be a really good day I feel, I love birthdays! Hugs and kisses to all of you!
The grass is greener on my side

I just noticed that you are now a hundred people following my blog on Bloglovin, how fun! It's more than the last time I checked. I also use Bloglovin, I would probably not have followed blogs without it. Anyway, I thought I would share with you some blogs that I follow and who inspires me in one way or another

Angelica Blick - One of Sweden's major fashion blogs. If I would switch my wardrobe with anyone it would be with her. If I was in need of ideas and inspiration, I would look through her archive. She is really good at mixing and matching. I love her style and her pictures.
niotillfem - Another great blogger whose blog contains many different things. She lives in New York, she has her very own style, takes very nice pictures and also posts great inspirational pictures. There is much to be inspired by her blog.

Amela Svraka - Although she has quit blogging, you can still browse the archive and be inspired by all the beautiful pictures and experiences in Chicago and USA. For half a year you could follow her life as a trainee at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, and then a period at the Government Offices here in Stockholm where she works right now. A very inspiring blog by a very ambitious girl, especially for those who aim to work abroad at some point.
The Blonde Salad - Italian girl from Milan whose blog, like Kenzas, is very well known internationally. New outfits and photos every day. I like her style and pictures, especially when she is traveling, which she does very often.
Petite - I stumbled across this blog a long time ago when she went to the same high school as I. She is a journalist and reporter for Nyheter24, and is really good at writing and expressing feelings in words. I love the honesty in her lyrics. Tip: Check the category of "Confession."
Magzor - I would like to be friends with her (can you say so without sounding crazy?). I happened to find her old blog when I was still in 9th grade, and then by chance find it again some years later. It's the only blog where I read long posts about someone's daily life, by someone I don't know. There's something about her honest way to write that I like, and I recognize myself in her thoughts and thinking. Can be very entertaining too!

Amela Svraka - Although she has quit blogging, you can still browse the archive and be inspired by all the beautiful pictures and experiences in Chicago and USA. For half a year you could follow her life as a trainee at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, and then a period at the Government Offices here in Stockholm where she works right now. A very inspiring blog by a very ambitious girl, especially for those who aim to work abroad at some point.
Sretan 8. Mart
"Most of all, I would like to celebrate my mother, the strongest and most wonderful woman I know, my role model in every way. I've tried to write a post dedicated to her, but words are never enough, and tears gather in my eyes every time I want to explain what she means to me. Tears of love, joy and gratitude. For all she has given me. For her unending love. For all the times she cries with me. For all the times she laughs with me. Because she has made me who I am today . Because she is the best friend I have. Because she has everything one could want in a mother. My beloved mother."

"Dearest ... I'm the one that has no words, they are not invented, they do not exist... to measure the love and happiness that you give to a mother. What did I do to deserve you? God, is there a greater feeling than the feeling of love to this girl? Is there a greater happiness than the moment you see her smiling and happy? or a greater pain, when she cries and when she hurts? Without her life would not exist because I breathe the air which she exhales....I didn't live until she came into my arms... far away in a hospital in Banja Luka, a wonderful night in March, when they laid her on the bed beside me and when she with her little eyes said: "Here is your little Lana"... like then, like forever... my Lana!"

Lovely sun, lovely March, lovely Stockholm. This month is always full of longing for everything that is comming up. The early spring weather and knowing that nothing is far away makes it easier to live. Recently, it also struck me that I'm turning 20 in a week! After celebrating my birthday during weekends the last two years, it feels a bit lame that my birthday is on a Monday this year... but it doesn't matter. I don't even wish for anything special, I feel like I have everything I need. It's a nice feeling.
Zagrlicu drugove, pjevacemo do zore
Wow, what a Saturday night. The plan was to invite some friends over for a little meza and muzika, or a "chill hangout" as some would call it, but we obviously don't know not what "chill" means. Suddenly we were a few more than planned, drank a bit more than expected and were much louder than what we are allowed to be, according to my neighbours. It was probably not the music that was the problem, it's we, Bosnians, who try to be louder than the music and each other. The night didn't end very well, haha, but it was really fun!

Next thing I know I wake up feeling like crap. Somehow I got up just to see the others sleeping in different rooms and a home in serious need of cleaning. It was truly a what-the-fuck-happened-moment, I could not understand how eight people managed to do all that. Soon my mother will sit at work, watch the pictures and think omg, but I hope she has in mind that she came home to a spotlessly clean home, after all.