Zagrlicu drugove, pjevacemo do zore
Wow, what a Saturday night. The plan was to invite some friends over for a little meza and muzika, or a "chill hangout" as some would call it, but we obviously don't know not what "chill" means. Suddenly we were a few more than planned, drank a bit more than expected and were much louder than what we are allowed to be, according to my neighbours. It was probably not the music that was the problem, it's we, Bosnians, who try to be louder than the music and each other. The night didn't end very well, haha, but it was really fun!

Next thing I know I wake up feeling like crap. Somehow I got up just to see the others sleeping in different rooms and a home in serious need of cleaning. It was truly a what-the-fuck-happened-moment, I could not understand how eight people managed to do all that. Soon my mother will sit at work, watch the pictures and think omg, but I hope she has in mind that she came home to a spotlessly clean home, after all.