As 2011 draws to an end, I'm trying to summarize the last year in my head to write a traditional last post about it. It's definitely a year worth remembering, a year of changes and a new beginning. I graduated high school and finished my wonderful time there in the best way possible, I started at the university and I enjoy it more than I ever could have imagined, I have done several shorter and longer trips and got wonderful memories. But most importantly, I learned a lot about myself this year, I have wonderful people around me and they are all well. I am so grateful for everything. Each year gets better and better and I am afraid that something will turn for the worse. Then I realize that it is mostly a question of attitude. You have to love life, love what you do and love the people around you. Then most of it will turn out good! Since it has worked well so far, I will finish the last post with something I say every year:
I hope that 2012 will be an even better year than the 2011th. It will be, it is what you make it.
I wish you all a Happy New Year, and may all your wishes come true!
Egypt - part 3
One of the things we did was driving quads in the desert. It was really fun and the environment is awesome, especially when you are in the middle of nowhere and don't see anything else than desert no matter where you look. It felt like being in a video game! It was really worth it! We drove until we reached a Bedouin village where we got to ride on camels and hear about the Bedouin way of life, before we drove back again.

The Red Sea is full of life. It almost makes the Adriatic Sea, which I'm used to, look dead in comparison. In Makadi Bay there are corals everywhere, even in the shallowest water, and you don't even have to snorkel or get water up to your stomach to see fishes in all different colors. After we had been snorkeling for a while (unfortunately we were too much of cowards to dive in deeper water), we waded out again to take some photos. It was then when we saw some big fishes we were NOT prepared to see. Thank God that I didn't see them while I snorkeled, I would have probably died of a heart attack. Afterwards, we got to know that the bluespotted stingray (on the picture) is toxic. That was pretty much it for us... back to the Adriatic Sea. But it was still very cool!

The last day was just chaos and a real "hangover day" when we didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was something wrong with our toilet that overflowed and surprised us with a flooding in our room when we woke up. Aida was totally sunburnt and behaved like a vampire who can't stand sunlight, I got a fever and stomach problems and eventually even Jasmin and Erna started to feel bad. It was comedy at the airport. But even that was a part of our wonderful trip and the last day is the one we will laugh at the most when we look back at our vacation.

Egypt - part 2: Luxor
Egypt - part 1
I'm home again

Now I'm home again after a wonderful week in Egypt, more exactly in Makadi Bay. Me and my boyfriend have both enjoyed the heat and experienced things we've never done before. Because of the riot in Cairo we didn't go to see the pyramids, which for me is like going to France without seeing the Eiffel Tower, but we did other things that compensated for it! We laid the sun, snorkeled among fishes in all different colors, drove quads in the Sahara desert, rode camels, went to Luxor and saw the Karnak temple, visited the tombs of Pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings and just enjoyed life. As icing on the cake, we met new friends who we had great fun with. Fate brought us together with two wonderful girls, also Bosnians, who this week have experienced some crazy things with us that not even some of our friends have before. After a few days it felt like we had known each other for years, and thanks to them we didn't have to feel like boring seniors during the evenings. It was simply an awesome trip. It was also my first vacation during the winter and I must say that it feels both strange and wonderful to feel the summer heat in winter.
But now I'm back in reality and have to unpack my bag, which probably contains a few kilos of sand and maybe one animal or two, and then I have a lot of photos to upload!
Off to Egypt!
As I said, I need a trip to Africa. Time to leave this continent for a while. See ya!
Sunday without sun
If there is anything inexplicable I believe in, it's my gut feeling. Sometimes I think I have special powers when it comes to that. Some of my friends believe that too because of all times my gut feeling has predicted the future. This morning I woke up with a really bad feeling in my stomach. No stomach pain, no hunger pain, no menstrual pain - just a bad feeling. Then something happened, without my influence, that made the day a really shitty day. Of course.
But it will get better. I can console myself with that I atleast have got a lot done today. I have cleaned my room and my closets, ironed my clothes and refreshed myself from head to toe. After the project I realized how badly I've been taking care of myself lately, I just haven't had time. I need this time off. I need sun. I need a trip to Africa.
Baby when the lights go out
I am alive and I am free! For a few weeks anyway. Christmas break has officially begun, however, most of us have already started the break this week. Yesterday the class celebrated after school with food and pre-party, and then the Christmas party at school. Later some of us went to Konstfack's Christmas party. Fun night, but very long! Got into bed at five o'clock in the morning and have been lying in a morning-after-coma all day today. Didn't get better with this awful weather. But whatever, I'm free, woho!
It's not how your life is, it's how you live it
It feels like I'm one day ahead. Yesterday felt like Friday because we had our final presentations, cleaning and hanging-at-the-pub-time after school. No one had energy left for a proper celebration, the project sucked all the life out of us. And we can't relax yet because we have more tasks next week. We'll have to celebrate later.
Today I am "free" from school to write an essay in architectural history. I feel that I need a break from school and will therefore spend the day with my boyfriend that I haven't seen for a while. I should go to the city library before meeting him, but the rain and my tired mood makes it very difficult for me... Couldn't it have snowed instead?
Project 2
I AM DONE! Project 2, which I have been working with for over a month, is finally finished! I'm very happy and feel so proud over myself every time I look at my hotel and think of how much effort it is behind it, behind all the details that some people will never even notice. But I know, and it's all worthwhile and worth all the late nights. Today I had my presentation and I must admit I was a little nervous because it was the first time we had guest critics who don't work at school. But it went well and I am super happy about the criticism!
I have learned many new things during this project, and I feel I have come a long way since the last one. Each project brings new experiences and lessons learned, and I am already looking forward to the next one! ... Although I could use a rehab before that.

This is what my presentation looked like. For 20 minutes you stand in front of about 20 students, some teachers and guest critics and talk about your project and receive criticism. I get a bit nervous, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought before I started at the school, haha.
Weekend... or is it really?
I'm back in my workaholic mode and I spend almost all my waking hours at school, including weekend hours. Our work rooms are, as usual, our second home. We work, hang out, eat and litter there. It is more messy than you can imagine, but we enjoy it there, in our own waste. However, yesterday at nine I left school for a moment to take a glass of wine with my girls. We ended up at Ambassadeur where we danced until three o'clock. In retrospect, it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but last night it seemed absolutely necessary. This morning I felt great - or maybe not - but went to school anyway, where I have spent all day and also will spend Sunday. My model is getting finished and I am so happy and proud of what I have created. It's this feeling that would give me the energy to spend ten times more time in school than I do now. Did I say that I love my education?
I'll be back when I'm done with the project.
Here I go again

I am totally CADfucked - my new word for being brainfucked by AutoCAD. I've "cadded" for three days and the only thing I see when I close my eyes is a bunch of lines. And despite that, I have not a single finished drawing yet! I really underestimated how long time it takes, especially because I'm still learning how to use the program... I was just about to tell you about the stupid mistakes I did, but realized that none of you will understand or find it interesting. You see, this happens to me often these days, I want to share something funny or interesting with my friends or boyfriend, but realize that they won't get a thing about the architecture stuff. The problem is when I have nothing else to talk about... as you may also have noticed here on the blog? We at school are talking the same language and have all become nerds, you can't avoid it when studying architecture. I guess you become a nerd in whatever you study. Sometimes I wonder what my friends would say if they had heard what we're talking and joking about during the day. Sometimes it's so nerdy that I start to laugh in the middle of the conversation, like the other day when a classmate and I feverishly discussed the T-squares and other drawing tools all the way to the subway. After a while I wuz like... what the hell man?
Anyway, it was a good day today. I felt fresh and alert, despite four hours of sleep. For a change, I started to build my model today. Can't wait until everything is finished! But until then there will be late nights at school. Good thing I enjoy being in school more at night than during the day.