Here I go again

I am totally CADfucked - my new word for being brainfucked by AutoCAD. I've "cadded" for three days and the only thing I see when I close my eyes is a bunch of lines. And despite that, I have not a single finished drawing yet! I really underestimated how long time it takes, especially because I'm still learning how to use the program... I was just about to tell you about the stupid mistakes I did, but realized that none of you will understand or find it interesting. You see, this happens to me often these days, I want to share something funny or interesting with my friends or boyfriend, but realize that they won't get a thing about the architecture stuff. The problem is when I have nothing else to talk about... as you may also have noticed here on the blog? We at school are talking the same language and have all become nerds, you can't avoid it when studying architecture. I guess you become a nerd in whatever you study. Sometimes I wonder what my friends would say if they had heard what we're talking and joking about during the day. Sometimes it's so nerdy that I start to laugh in the middle of the conversation, like the other day when a classmate and I feverishly discussed the T-squares and other drawing tools all the way to the subway. After a while I wuz like... what the hell man?
Anyway, it was a good day today. I felt fresh and alert, despite four hours of sleep. For a change, I started to build my model today. Can't wait until everything is finished! But until then there will be late nights at school. Good thing I enjoy being in school more at night than during the day.