Even more architecture
How do I manage to fall behind the schedule after three school days? I don't know if I should laugh or just feel sorry for myself. Tomorrow I must finish two models because we have the presentation on Friday. Therefore, I must go to school an hour earlier tomorrow, and probably stay afterwards just like yesterday and today. I will probably be one of those who sleep there. The second year students wasn't kidding when they said that the school becomes one's home. Today I was in school to six o'clock and didn't get home until ten because of the student union's theatre afterwards. Huh. Expect less updates for a couple of days.

This is the first model I made, when we was supposed to be inspired by and interpret the lines of the object we got. It was an eternity work with the wire, but I liked the heart of the mirror effect. In the second picture you see my "object", the fresh duck skull...
I know that my nagging about architecture is uninteresting to many, but architecture and everything else about the school is what my life revolves around right now. Feel free to wish other things, then I might have more to update about later.