Busy week

I have not been as effective as I wished for this week, even though it has been long days in school. Story of my life. Can't I just once feel "oh, this went fast, I'm done!". It doesn't happen to me. It is not meant for me. Today, for example, I wasted over two hours(!) trying to find a missing feature in AutoCAD. I wanted to kill AutoCAD. I was so frustrated that when I finally found it my classmates witnessed a few tears of joy. It felt so good to beat the computer. I wonder how many battles I will fight against all the programs we have to learn.
Tomorrow after school, it is finally time for the architect students' new bar to open. Our pub burned down this spring and has not been fixed until now, that's why architect students had to crash other pubs at school or outside of school. Atleast we have been very successful in keeping up our Friday tradition in spite of that! This Saturday we will celebrate Haris and on Sunday I will, if I have the energy which I highly doubt, bring myself to school to work on the project. Go me.