Random about school

On my way to school today, I met my counselor from high school. Maybe not a big deal, but I feel a big gratitude for her. She helped me many times when I had my "I don't know what to do and I feel like crying"-moments. I went to her so many times that she among thousands of students knew my name, what class I was in, which grades I had and what I wanted to study in the future. And she got engaged in helping me, she emailed KTH for me, found out information for me - things that she really could told me to do myself. I've thought about sending an email to her to thank her again and to say that I got in to Architecture school and how I'm very happy, but I never did. Shame on me. Today I luckily got the chance to, face to face, tell her how much her ​​help meant to me. And she asked if I want to come when the school has  "carrier day" to talk about my education... Of course I will! If someone last year during our carrier day would have said that maybe I will stand and talk about the architecture programme I would have said no to the way.

If someone last year would have said that my second project will be to draw an entire hotel, I would have said no to the way... But now I drawing a hotel. It's amazing what you can do if you have to. In the beginning I got nervous when we got a new task and thought how the hell I would do this? I felt like the only one who thought that way. But that way of thinking is gone now, you just have to see everything as a challenge that you will overcome if you want to.

Speaking about the project, it's time for my loved ones to say goodbye to me until it's over. Soon I will once again find myself in that state where nothing else exists other than school. I haven't missed the stress, but I must admit that I've missed those late nights at school and being so engaged in the work as I was during the last project. I have much to do and the deadline is approaching, and it's irritating me that I still feel pretty calm. You see, this is my problem, I don't start to perform properly until I get panic, and I get panic when there is too little time left. But it's cool, I can do this.


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