Enjoying Tokyo!

I have way too much fun here in Japan for not doing a little post about it for those don't have Instagram. I have...
... been shocked, dazzled and fascinated by everything that flashes, blinks and sounds, wherever you go! Warning for epileptic seizures.
... been sleeping in a capsule hotel where the capsules are as large huts! So cozy!
... experienced an earthquake while we were in our capsules! Everyone thought that someone under/over was having sex until we realized that it was an earthquake, haha.
... eaten food that I dont know what it is because the menus are in Japanese and the Japanese understand what I say just as little as I understand them.
... felt so luxurious when we drank cocktails in New York Bar at the top of a skyscraper.
... been to an art museum in another skyscraper.
... gone to high-tech toilets with massage, anus washing and drying.
... felt like an amish for the first time in my life because I don't understand all the high tech.
... partying crazy with cute Japanese in what should be one of Tokyo's best clubs.
... been in a hysterical game arcade where the music was louder than in a nightclub, even more epilepsy warning.
... photographed in a Japanese photobooth that enlarges your eyes and makes you look like a doll.
... been in a huge park full of drinking Japanese people who do random stuff, anything from sports to tightrope walking, playing role play in sick costumes and playing bagpipes.
... fallen in love with Tokyo and the overly nice and kind the Japanese.
... had crazy fun and seen and experienced more than I ever have in just three days! I LOVE IT!