Japanese Souvenirs
I have never bought so many clothes, gadgets, souvenirs and gifts abroad. Ironically, I have never had so little money for it, but I have justified the shopping with the fact that I don't go to Japan often. It's not easy to control yourself when it's all small, cute, Japanese and so much me. I wanted everything! And the cloth shopping... I will come to that later, but now I understand why Tokyo is known as one of the world's top fashion cities. All shopping will be so boring in comparison. But I can at least die happy. Happy and broke.

I loved all the fun vending and gaming machines located in every corner of the city, where you can win or buy small figures like these! We found a machine that took your photo, then you could choose a character you wanted to have your face on. How fun is that?? And all those cute manga characters *I die*...