
Croatia 2012. We spent ten wonderful days in Croatia, again in Tucepi where my family also was. I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who loves to hang out with my family, because having them close is real vacation for me. For once we were in Croatia more than in Bosnia, but in that heat there is nothing better than the sea!

The first night was Ribarska noc (how to translate it? Fishermen night? Fishing night?) and it was full of people in the harbor where you could listen to live music and buy grilled fish and other things for a cheap price.

When they started singing Zdravko Colics songs, I and his biggest fan, my mother, joined the crowd in front of the stage. You know that moment when you realize how much you are like your parent? It happens to me a little to often.

We continued the fish theme by fishing ourselves. I love it, even if it's only small fish. It is relaxing and you get a tan without even thinking about it, and not to forget the little rush of joy when you get a bite.

Note the fish at the front... He died fighting! Haha, excuse my sense of humor.

Some nights we went to Makarska to party. I've always been a bit anti-Makarska, but I must say I had some really great nights! In the end it's always about the company you're with.

As usual, we had a day of bigger waves that we played in as little children. As usual, I thought I would die a few times. At one point I had to choose if I should save my life or save my bikini trousers that came off. I exposed my butt to the whole beach.

Our cute gazda offered grilled fish one night, which must have been the most delicious I've ever eaten. As much as I love meat in Bosnia, I love fish in Croatia. Now I regret that I didn't eat more of it.

On our last night it was Heineken Night in Michigen. My brother and boyfriend wanted to go there only to get the t-shirts they didn't get last year. However, you have to drink several beers first, and they got no help from me who hates beer, so, cred to them.

We got quite hyped, however, and decided to spontaneously go to Makarska one last time, although we had not packed and was leaving the next day. But it was worth it.

Oh, I feel so much love when I see this picture. The world's best family that just had to take a lame family photo outside the bus before me and Jasmin went off to our next destination.