Swedish House Mafia

THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE! The concert took place the weekend before the deadline of my project, therefore I didn't have time to write something about it, but it's just as well because if I had written immediately after the concert the whole post would've probably be written in capital letters. Now the hype has calmed down, but what an evening that was! I am SO GLAD that I fought for the tickets, to miss this once in a lifetime show would have been a shame! The music pumped so hard that I felt my inner organs vibrate, the light show was captivating and the atmosphere was overwhelming. You know when you get so hyped that you just want to jump and scream so loud you can? That I did, for sure.
I managed to film some short clips despite low battery. Unfortunately, the sound is quite bad but the camera simply couldn't handle the base, haha. You have to look after my 1:15, the last "explosion" when they played One.