Two years together

Sometimes I feel like sharing our special moments with the rest of the world. It's those moments that make all couples feel like "there are no others like you and me". Sometimes I want to show everyone why I love us together. However, it rarely happens that I share, since it's just our moments. We are the only ones who need to experience them. The only pity is that so many of our special moments get forgotten when they are not documented, only because there's too many of them to fit - neither in our memory, in an album, text or blog post.
With special moments I don't mean when we are lying at the beach in Egypt and enjoying the sun together, no matter how wonderful that is. I mean moments like on a Sunday afternoon in cold January when we go out on a walk in the woods, find a frozen body of water and go out on the ice to see how far we can go before it bursts. We jump on it, throw stones at it and laugh at each other when one of us eventually fall into the water with our feet.
Or moments like today, when I decided to go home at lunch time because I needed my computer, and accidently took the same train from the university as him. He was heading for my place to leave flowers in my room and bring food to my brother, and I ruined his surprise. But instead, we walked around town in the rain and talked about everything and nothing, about the exam that he passed, about the bag I want to buy, about how I look like a stupid eskimo, and both agreed that the afternoon couldn't have been spent in a better way. It is things like that which I love us for.
I love us for the reason that no matter how long time we have been together, we still laugh as much, we never run out of topics and we continue to amaze and surprise each other even though we know each other inside out. I love that we one moment behave like a married couple, who can fuss about what time we are going home, I can complain about his choice of shirt and he can complain about my will to decide all the time, and the second moment, we can behave like two little children who are discussing what our favorite Pokémon was, playing war games and sending cheesy videos to each other that no one other than we understand.
I got together with him because it right from the beginning of our relationship felt like him and me - and everyone else. And it still is. Today I felt like sharing this.
