Project 3 - Done!
Project 3 is completed! The last part of this project focused on construction and on Friday we had our last presentation. I held my presentation two times since a constructor from England along with all the teachers selected about ten projects of hundred to bring up and talk about in front of the whole class. I begged for mine not to be one of them, but as usual it turnes out the way you didn't ask for. I was really nervous, I must admit. I have no problem talking about my project in front of others, but to present it in English in front of hundreds of people and all the teachers on the front row, with a constructor who ask questions when I don't know all the technical terms in English, felt a bit worse. Once I stood up there I was, however, surprisingly calm, considering how nervous I was before. It went well in other words. And this time I feel no emptiness after a completed project, but rather relief to get rid of something that I've gotten tired of after six months. It's over now! Yey!

Some pictures of the construction model.