Work in progress
The update will probably stand still these days. I'm trying to finish my first year, there are only two weeks left and I have so much to do. The work hasn't gone very smooth during these construction weeks. I get stuck all the time, I am behind my own schedule and the allergy/disease/orwhateveritis makes it hard for me to concentrate. I even had a little meltdown last week, it obviously couldn't go a whole year without it, haha. It happens sometimes that several troublesome elements gather under the wrong circumstances (for example, during my PMS) and then the last straw makes you go crazy, like when you make a clumsy mistake and can't blame anyone but yourself. At that moment I just felt like going into the bathroom to ventilate on my own way - by crying a bit. Who comes in just when I wipe my tears if not my teacher who asks about how I feel, which is the worst thing anyone can ask in that state. "I'm just fine. Or okay... or... wuääää". God, how silly. But it felt better afterwards. The best thing she said after her pep talk was: "You're not in Afghanistan, it is not war. And you'll finish, if not in time then a week after." A very true sentence.

I finally started building my construction model. If someone asks what I have learned from this project my response would be never to design a skyscraper again, especially not one that is leaning. Maybe after a dozen years of work experience, but not before that.