A busy mind is a happy mind

Well, hello there Bloggy. No time to think of you when I have a million other thoughts in my head right now. How do I get light into the bedrooms without windows facing the parking lot? How thick should that wall be? Is there room for the handicap WC? How should the roofs look like? How much space does a fire truck need when you open the doors on it? How should I place the pillars and beams? Which of my ideas will the engineer diss the next meeting? And most of all: How will I make it in time?
Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to spend my weekend doing other fun things, I sure will regret it next weekend when I'll probably get a breakdown or two before the deadline, but whatevzzz *ice cold*. If I can do this I can do anything, that's what I live by right now. And that a crazy weekend is waiting as a reward after the project is done. Go me!