I pimped my coffee cup during a lecture. After a while I forgot that there was a little coffee left in it and started twisting it around... It wasn't until I felt it was wet between my legs as I realized that I poured coffee all over me. Typical me. Wandered in pouring rain when I forgot the umbrella that day. Also typical.
The class had coffee at Djurgården and there was too much to choose from. We also finished the first part of the project. We are supposed to design a fire station btw.
Took a picture of the metro art in Tensta too. My family made a visit to IKEA and my dad walked around with measuring tape and measured all the furniture instead of checking the dimensions of the price tag. "It's faster this way", he claimed.
Spent a lot of time in Tensta since that is the location in our project.. I made a "chessy" collage of my photos from Tensta. And I got a lot of kinder maxi from granny (she has bought me kinder chocolate since I was little) which my father ate ... -.-'
My "snack" in school. After that we had a very interesting lecture about neuroscience and aesthetics with a lot of mindfucks and interesting facts about how we perceive things. Doesn't it seem like the right tower leans a bit more? It doesn't.
A tired picture of me and the books I read a few weeks ago. The books have that thing that the Twilight books are missing, if you know what I mean...
Mom was quite excited when the coffee machine was delivered "MY GEORGE CLOONEY MACHINE HAS ARRIVED!!!" Congratulations Nespresso, you know how to sell to middle-aged women. To the right you can see the result of a prank war between a guy in my class and some guys in 3rd grade. This was their last prank when they planted a flower in his drawer. Extremly fun.
Bajram food throughout the whole weekend and Bajram flowers from my boyfriend. Bajram (Eid) is a Muslim feast for those of you who don't know.
The flowers after they had bloomed. And I end this post with a picture of us and a "tihi".
Instagram: lanakarat