Work hard, party hard

Time to make som noise. I'm alive, miraculously after this weekend. It was over in a second and I remember about half of it. We were a big crew went out on Saturday, it was very fun and for some reason everybody went crazy, probably a bit to hyped after a tough school week. The have pumped us with tasks in school, hence the absence here. We have a task to complete each day and it has to go fast, fast, fast. It's been tough, but oh how effective we have been. I think I have produced more last week than we did in a month last year. And I really do my best to avoid weekend work, unfortunately, I have to sacrifice some weekday evenings. I haven't had time to go to the gym this week, even though I started so well with working out twice a week. This week seems to be worse. School vs. life, you can not have both, apparently Tonight, however, I refuse to work, now it's time for my bed, cookies, Revenge and phone date with my person, Karin (you who are watching Grey's Anatomy understand the expression "my person", Meredith and Christina are each others person). Good nighty.