School of Architecture

History of architecture, engineering and representation, this is what we have been doing the last weeks. Although the first project has not started, it has been pretty intense in school with shorter tasks that take up much of my time. This week we have been working with the 3D software Rhino. Time to learn that too.

This is an example of how it looks. I played with it a bit during the lecture and it feels like I'm getting a hold of it. It's easier to learn a new program, the more programs you already know. I will try to do my next project in 3D.

What we're doing now is however more fun than what we were doing last week in technology. I prayed for that week to be over as soon as possible. It's really hard to do something when you don't have a clue about what the hell you are doing. But I am learning... Hopefully.

During Technology Week this giant moved into my bookcase. A very much needed "handbook" (I can barely lift it, but okay) with all about construction and how to draw it. In other words, all I need to learn... *Sigh*.

During Technology Week this giant moved into my bookcase. A very much needed "handbook" (I can barely lift it, but okay) with all about construction and how to draw it. In other words, all I need to learn... *Sigh*.