Scream and shout and let it all out

Freakin' awesome weekend. The whole weekend was spent in Uppsala and not only did I get to spend time with my favorite Svrakas for a few days, but for once we managed to gather 5/7 of our group of girls from high school at Karin's place who now lives in Uppsala. Besides from Karin, it was a long time ago I saw the girls and it has been difficult to gather the group since everybody is either studying, working, going away to other parts of the world or moving abroad. But regardless of what it feels like in high school when we meet! Since I obviously can't make a weekend without Erna, I brought her with me and afterwards we met up with Jasmin & co for the best night out in a long time. We really went for it! Who would have thought, before paycheck? My whole body still hurts after dancing on the hip hop floor and my abs hurts after all the laughter, especially at the evening's two great comedians, Jasmin and Adi. Oh, you feel so incredibly good (mentally) after having so much fun with people you love. I can live a long time on this weekend.