Here comes the sun, and I say it's all right

This update-once-a-day-thing lasted a week, until I had to start waking up at six every morning to get to work. Me and early mornings do not work very well together. The last three days have just melted together into one very tired and stressed out blurr, especially yesterday when I spent the whole day making and receiving calls and messages about the one thing and the other, while trying to work at the same time. Felt like an assistant/organizer/event planner who goes around with a headset and talk to ten people at once, "No, not red flowers, pink! Yes, no. Yes. Not 200, 100! I SAID PINK FLOWERS FOR GODS SAKE". You know what I mean. However, looking at the bright side, the fact that there is so much to plan, book and fix means that many fun events are upcomming! And lets not forget about the sun.