
23:09: Half-time. Must gather myself a bit. I'm not mentally strong enough for games like this. I have both been lying on the floor in a fetal position and jumped around with joy. There's still a bit hope. Please God don't kill it. It's 2-1 to Portugal right now, which unfortunately have been better the first half... but also damned annoying. Can all Portuguese players do me a favor and STOP LYING ON THE GROUND AND CRYING EVERY TWO MINUTES!? "!¤#&#!!¤# I get these serious outbursts of rage. Back to hell now.

23:15: 3-1 and a red card. That pretty much killed it.

23:25: GOAAAL!

23:32: Goal. 4-2 to Portugal. Can not stand this game anymore.

23:39: Ne kontam Begovic. Ne kontam sta radis. Probaj stajati u sredini gola. Molim te, probaj.

23:40: 6-2. Oh, goodbye.

23:52: The End. I'm also finished. What a mentally tough match to watch. All I think about now is the match in Paris and the unfear penalty that led to this match... But as I said, we'll continue to fight, cheer and hope. Again.

Sretno Zmajevi!

Tonight we either qualify for the European Championship or stumble across the finish line, again. Tonight we will either dance, jump and cry with happiness or get a slap in the face, again. I hope like most Bosnians, with all my heart, that we finally get our well-deserved place, but no matter how it ends, we will fight and cheer as much again, and again and again.

All Bosnians' beloved Erik Niva has once again wonderfully described it in his article that gave me goose bumps and tears in my eyes. He gets it - it's more than just soccer. Read the article HERE! Thanks Erik for sharing our history.
This time I unfortunately won't be cheering with a lot of other Bosnians (I want rather than anything to stand and cheer in Lisbon), but tonight I'll cheer, and maybe cry, with my family. Sretno BiH!

Said that I'm leaving on Monday morning

Knitted from H&M.

Life keeps getting better

Life is getting better every year. Every day I learn more about myself, about what I want, about life and what I need and don't need to keep being the happy person I am. Every day I'm getting better at letting go of things I find it hard to let go, daring things I am afraid to do and believing that I can do whatever I want to do. Everything isn't perfect, but it doesn't have to be. I know there will be difficulties and tough times ahead, but it doesn't matter - they will pass. I have so much to learn and I want to take in everything life has to give. I am grateful for everything I have and for learning to be my own best friend. I've learned that it's really only me who can ensure my own happiness. I choose what to focus on and value as important. And I'm getting better at it every day.
Life is amazing and it gets better every year, every day, for every experience and every lesson. That's all I have to say.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I'm titanium

Love is my drug, is my medicine

I'm sitting here eating my boyfriend's mother's homemade bajadera, which is the best! I don't know how the woman does it. I got a load of it home with me but I have a feeling that I will soon need to make trip to Uppsala to grab some more before it disappears. And kiss his mom a little extra to thank her!

Any to the way, Tuesday today, which means a long day with lectures. I managed to stand out without falling asleep, woho! I must do some sketches for tomorrow before bedtime tonight. I can no longer use the excuse that I'm "sketching in my head"... But if I know myself well, I'll be "sketching in my sleep" soon.

Girls' night

I had really missed evenings with my lovely girls. The group was unfortunately not quite complete yesterday, but almost.

Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun

For all you who celebrate, Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun. I hope you have a better bajram than me...

Halloween masquerade

Tonight it's time for a Halloween masquerade/birthday party at one of my classmates' place! Since I'm pretty out of ideas and lazy I'll go with something old and appear as Snow White. Hoping for a fun evening!


Sometimes I get a good feeling

Project introduction, excursions, construction and spatial analysis, architecture history, site analysis...
We have been doing a bit of everything this week in school which has made the week go by very fast. In addition to school I have, among other things, wasted much of my newly received student grants on shopping, satisfied my soul by spending time with Karin, and today after school I went to a pub with people from the class, something that seems to become a Friday tradition. Now I'm home and I'm still restless and in a party mood. But the partying will have to wait until tomorrow when it's time for a Halloween party!

Something else pleasant
is that we've begun to discuss the tour that will take place in spring. The class wants go to... TOKYO! I don't dare to even think about it yet, it would be too good to be true. But there is a possibility. GAH!!!

Future architects

Since our days in school are long, people tend to get a bit out of line sometimes. Here my classmates organized a tournament. You didn't think we sit and work all day, did you?

This is what I'm made of

The work on the new project has not started yet,
so I'm still calm. Today we had lectures all day instead. I could barely keep my eyes open, although the topics were interesting. It's some lecturers' calm and monotone voice that is the problem, they might as well have given me a pillow and sleeping pills...

Just so all my old high school friends know, I'm still the same. I still sleep far too little, I still press the wrong button when I snooze and arrive late to class, I still find it difficult to stay awake during lectures, I'm still useless when it comes to checking the school e-mail, I'm even more worthless at reading the texts we are given to read before the lectures and I still can't go without lots of sweets during the day. It didn't take long before my new mates noticed my slacker qualities, haha​​. I miss Karin, I need someone who is worse than me! And someone who is willing to give me a real slap when nothing else works against sleepiness, which I know from experience that she is.

Days of fall

After Saturday's partying it was really nice to spend Sunday just lying at home, taking a walk and ending the day with a visit to the movies. It's a shame that we get so little of these sunny days of fall before winter strikes.

Happy times

I'm enjoying everyday life even though we are heading towards colder and darker times. I think it's fun at school and look forward to the next day even though I'm tired. I feel good right now with everything as it is but still know that so much more is waiting. I'm happy. Good night!

Moj je zivot igra bez granica

I'm watching a TV show dedicated to Tose Proeski as it now has been four years since his death. Artists from all over the Balkans are singing his songs and I'm singing along with tears in my eyes. What a fantastic person and singer. I'm still convinced that he would have been the greatest in the whole Balkan. I have probably said it at some point before, but I'll really never get over the fact that I will never hear new songs from him or see him live...

Pratim te Da l' si sretnija Igra bez granica Rane na usnama Cija si Boze brani je od zla Zao mi je Jedina Srce nije kamen Ubijas me usnama Jos uvijek sanjam da smo zajedno The hardest thing

More from Paris

I want to return to Paris. And stay there for a while. I've only made ​​two visits but am already very comfortable in that city. I love it. I'm sorry that I haven't been there for a longer time, all I've had time for during my two visits, apart from the match, is to do what the ordinary tourist do and see the most common sights. I want to have enough time to sit in cafés for hours, spend whole days shopping, try out the nightlife, sit and read a book in the wonderful parks and see everything you don't have time to notice as a tourist who is there for only a few days. Paris, I will be back.

Hardcore Bosnians on tour in Paris

I will begin by paying tribute to our fantastic team.
They were so good. They truly exceeded my expectations and we really deserved to win. Unfortunately the match ended 1-1 when France scored in an unfear penalty, which was the same as a loss for us. It wasn't unexpected. The happiness when we scored was absolutely indescribable and worth the whole trip, I think we all fell off the chairs, but for the rest of the game we waited for what always happens when we play a crucial match against one of the "big" teams. Eventually the judge will give enough cards, penalties or extra minutes for us to stumble across the finish line. We should be used to it, but it hurts just as much every time. It would have been easier if France kicked our ass totally instead. Non-Bosnians too admit that we deserved to win, and even some Frenchmen admitted that we were better.

I must also pay tribute to us,
all Bosnians from all over the world who went to Paris for the game. We were over 20,000 Bosnians, a quarter of the packed stadium, and was just as hyped as usual. We marched around and sang a few hours before we got to the stadium and still had the energy to stand up and cheer constantly throughout the match. I read that a French reporter said that it has never happened before that the other teams fans were louder than the French at their home arena. It doesn't matter how many times we stumble across the finish line, we will continue to cheer with the same hope. Next time we need hope is when we play against Portugal in the playoffs, again.

Happy Birthday Dennis

16 years ago, I got the best gift I ever could have gotten. Since then there hasn't been anyone else I love more. Congratulations my dear brother, wish you all the best in life.

Kad nemiri budu dio nas, i kada nam kucne zadnji cas, i tada cu Deni, kao i sad, da te volim ja.


I could use another weekend, I don't feel like I've rested enough even though I've mostly been at home with my family. Yesterday me and mum went to town for some food, shopping, and mother-daughter time since we haven't had much of that lately. I got home with knitted sweaters in various colors and shapes. This time I have surely upgraded my closet with knits to survive the bloody ice age winter... which, given the number of degrees outside, will be here very soon.

Anyway, soon my man will be here and he's staying until next Tuesday when we'll be going to Paris. Can't believe that it is the day after tomorrow! All school work made ​​me forget about it for a while. Are there any more of you Bosnian readers who will travel to Paris to cheer? I don't want to jinx it but... it will be totally freakin 'awesome.

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