Sunday Sweets

Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day! Go spread some lovin 'today. I finally feel better but will stay at home anyway. My boyfriend is comming over later, his exams are over and so is the fear of becoming infected by me. We will hang out and be just as romantic as we always tend to be. For this special day I give you two videos from 2010 to illustrate our romance.

Explanation: Here we are in the hotel room after a day of sightseeing in Paris. Jasmin is exhausted while I'm on my get-on-someones-nerves-mood. After he told me to shut up and I sang don't tell your girl to shut up for a while (yes, I make songs of just about everything), I brought out my secret weapon black, dirty feet, which are full with blisters after a whole day in my black ballerina shoes (otherwise, like he actually my feet).

Explanation: Sarajevo, Vilsonovo. Don't ask me what the hell we are doing, but I failed big time anyway.

Bittersweet memories, that is all I'm taking with me

Fifth day of fever. Fifth! What can we learn from this? Well, do never ever wish to get sick. Not even secretly. I thought it was nice to be just enough ill and have an excuse to lie at home, which of course I was punished for directly by getting worse. I haven't had a high fever, but enough for me to have pain in all muscles in my body. My nose has been a running tap, my throat like sandpaper and I look like the girl from The Ring. I'm starting to panic because I really need to go to school since we have criticism on Friday.

Whitney Houston's death is however more tragic than my physical health right now. It feels like a relative or a close friend to mom has passed away. I was the one who broke the news to her this morning because my Facebook friends are faster than hers. I put my hand on her shoulder and said "Mom ... Whitney is dead". You should have seen her expression. After a number of "noooo" and double-checking in the newspaper, she began to cry, as well as I since our feelings are synchronized - when she's sad, I'm sad, and vice versa. Aw poor mom... Hate that I'm just as lame and sensitive as she is, but I love her so much because she is like she is.
R.I.P. Whitney Houston...


And so it was my turn to get sick. I apparently don't have the super immune system that I like to imagine. Still, I wanted to play superwoman and go all the way to Uppsala last wednesday to watch RAW Comedy Club. The tickets were purchased a long time ago and I refused to miss it, despite the fever, and despite my mother's, aka the health police's, protest. Once there, I thought it was worth it. It was really fun and I laughed as much as my hurting throat would allow. There was a comedian from L.A. that almost killed me, he was hilarious, along with the others stand-up comedians.

However, it was the way home that made ​​me question whether it was worth it. I had to change train three times and got home a few hours later. I was tired, sick and cold, and irritated by a lot, such as drunk dudes. One of them poked me and asked if I had a fun night out. And I looked at him, thinking 1. Do. Not. Touch. Me. 2. Do I LOOK like I had a fun night out!? But all I said was, "I'm sick, okay?" which made him leave immediately. You should try it, all of you who want to get rid of people. Another FML moment is when you are in your worst possible condition and meet people you know. That, of course, also happened. Don't know when I had missed my bed that much, but I'm not getting out it now.

Ice Ice Baby

Finally real snow! We haven't had real winter yet so I can't help but be happy by seing a sunny winter wonderland. Especially when you hear the sound of stepping on snow, I just want to throw myself into it and take out my old sled. Maybe you should do that some day... *Let the child inside of you live*
However, yesterday we went ice skateing! Nice to get out moving, even though we came home paralyzed by the cold.

HAHA how the hell did the kid manage to do that?

Hello February

This years first month is already over and now we've moved on to the month I usually think is the worst of the entire year. However, I have promised myself to make it better by feeling better. I have really been lacking energy and productivity the last weeks and I've been unable to even pull myself together to complete even simple tasks. Since sun and vitamin D is not a selectable option in this country this time of year, I have to do something else. And I have started already today by working out for the first time in a long time. I should really try to keep up with this now. Says the girl with the worst self-discipline.

Instagram - January

Although I don't go anywhere without a camera in my bag, I take a lot pictures with my phone. Therefore, I thought, inspired by this blog, that I would publish some Instagram pictures from the last month. Some of you have already found me on Instagram I've noticed, but for everyone else who wants to follow me, my name is lanakarat.

At the beginning of the month, I said farewell to two of my girls who will be in Australia for a longer period. It was a farewell party and a farewell dinner with lots of people, lots of good food, lots of good byes and some inevitable tears.

I went shopping more than usual this month, especially for spring/summer clothes. The flowers I got from my boyfriend for our two years anniversary.

Like mother, like daughter - the normal pictures show how we appear to others while the retarded pictures show how we always are together. If people only knew... To the right is a picture from a night out in Uppsala.

A picture of me and a picture of one of the few lunches that were not from a lunch box.

Coffee and sweets kept me awake during the school days. To the right we have a picture of an outfit a la architect style (except that it's a gray polo instead of a black).

Me on my way to the university after a sleep in morning - hence the happy face. And a post-it that I found at home, written by my brother to my mother (don't take the car, it's slippery outside!), How cute is he who thinks of that? Sweetheart <3

Summer Planning

Another sunny day with extreme summer longing. I usually go crazy sometime in February. Today I also got to know that I probably will get a summer job (don't want to jinx it), which started the summer planning. I always end up in Bosnia and Croatia, but I'm a little bit tired of it, been there, done that. On the other hand, I always have fun and I feel at home there, it's really a relaxing vacation. That is why I am now thinking of a brilliant plan on how to combine both the old usual and new adventures! / Lana the master planer

Red, blue, white and dotted

Blouses - H&M / Shorts - Gina Tricot / shoes -

Again a post about clothes, but I love it and therefore it takes its place on the blog. I have been suffering from a morbid longing for spring and summer, as always this time of year, and therefore been shopping far too much since the spring collections came out... *Oh YeS, yOu cAn BuY HaPPiNeSs!*


I had a calm weekend this time. Apart from some working, this weekend only consisted of hanging at home, walking in the winter sun, movies and watching handball. Just as I wanted it.
Speaking of handball - oh how eager I was to play... I want to feel trained again, have good fitness and get to fight a little. I practised handball a long time ago, before I had a knee injury which prevented me from ever starting to play again. I have regretted it very much, it's a really fun sport. My parents always thought it was a too violent sport for a little girl like me, which was also the reason why I liked it, haha. Lots of action!

Note to self: Seriously, start working out.

Lana Del Rey

This is my idea of fun, playing video games

A sleep-in morning and sunlight were all I needed to feel like a new person today. The evening hasn't been that bad either - bed, magazines, music and cookies with milk... Me, myself and I.

Party in Uppsala

Hangouts with friends, in cafees and bars, one more surprise party and a night out is what this weekend consisted of. Today I feel more worn out than I was before the weekend began. On Saturday we surprised Amela who returned from Chicago with a small welcome home party. Great to finally see her after half a year! The evening ended with clubbing of Uppsala, which left us very tired, worn and unfresh on Sunday. Unfortunately, Sunday was not enough for recovery, but what to do... The pictures from Saturday may speak for themselves.

Blazin' Blazers

Suddenly, the white blazer you've had your eye on for a long time hangs there in H&M, one left, in size 36 for 10 € on sale (!) I didn't know what was bigger - the joy or the shock. Since the blazer is my favorite garment I bought one more.
The shopping has gone well and now I have to wait for the next student grant.

Four years together

Speaking of anniversaries, my blog had it's 4th year anniversary a few days ago. Four years! It's kind of since my life began to be interesting. Joking aside (or not) it's actually quite amazing to look back at my life documented in pictures and texts. It the best thing about having a blog. The next best thing is the response from you readers, that's what makes it more fun than writing a ordinary diary. You have encouraged, helped and given compliments and I can't enough say how much I appreciate it. I have been in contact with people I never would have known exist, which is really great. For example I have exchanged mails with a girl, who's also interested in architecture, from Bulgaria on Facebook for a few months, how cool is that? It's 2012's version of "pen pal".
From having only a few dozen readers the first couple of years, mostly friends, to now having about 1,500 unique readers a week. Who are you people!? And I want to know... Is there anyone who had followed the blog since 2008? Haha would be really fun in that case. I also wonder how many years the blogging will go on before I outgrow this... And start documenting my life in some other way (just because I have to). Once a diary person, always a diary person...

Two years together

Sometimes I feel like sharing our special moments with the rest of the world. It's those moments that make all couples feel like "there are no others like you and me". Sometimes I want to show everyone why I love us together. However, it rarely happens that I share, since it's just our moments. We are the only ones who need to experience them. The only pity is that so many of our special moments get forgotten when they are not documented, only because there's too many of them to fit - neither in our memory, in an album, text or blog post.

With special moments I don't mean when we are lying at the beach in Egypt and enjoying the sun together, no matter how wonderful that is. I mean moments like on a Sunday afternoon in cold January when we go out on a walk in the woods, find a frozen body of water and go out on the ice to see how far we can go before it bursts. We jump on it, throw stones at it and laugh at each other when one of us eventually fall into the water with our feet.

Or moments like today, when I decided to go home at lunch time because I needed my computer, and accidently took the same train from the university as him. He was heading for my place to leave flowers in my room and bring food to my brother, and I ruined his surprise. But instead, we walked around town in the rain and talked about everything and nothing, about the exam that he passed, about the bag I want to buy, about how I look like a stupid eskimo, and both agreed that the afternoon couldn't have been spent in a better way. It is things like that which I love us for.

I love us for the reason that no matter how long time we have been together, we still laugh as much, we never run out of topics and we continue to amaze and surprise each other even though we know each other inside out. I love that we one moment behave like a married couple, who can fuss about what time we are going home, I can complain about his choice of shirt and he can complain about my will to decide all the time, and the second moment, we can behave like two little children who are discussing what our favorite Pokémon was, playing war games and sending cheesy videos to each other that no one other than we understand.
I got together with him because it right from the beginning of our relationship felt like him and me - and everyone else. And it still is. Today I felt like sharing this.

Sony NEX-3

Since it is the most common question I get, it's once again time for a post about what camera I use. The camera I use is called Sony NEX-3 and it goes with me everywhere! It is smaller and lighter than the standard SLR cameras, but takes wonderful pictures. For me who is not a camera expert, this camera is also easier to handle than a standard SLR. You can also change the lens, film in HD quality, etc. All the pictures I post are taken with this camera, aside from a few photos taken with my phone. I also want to make you aware that all images are more or less edited, for example, I change contrast, brightness and color. The pictures I edit in Photoshop CS5 or Instagram on the iPhone.

Surprise Party for Benjamin

Yesterday we celebrated Benjamin who recently turned 18, and what a evening it was! Along with his large circle of friends and family, we waited for him at Taco Bar. He thought he was comming for work but got a big surprise when he arrived. All cred to his closest who arranged everything, it was really emotional at many moments. And of course, there was much celebration and dancing all night, I haven't danced so much in a long time. It was also great to meet people I haven't seen in a while!


Why haven't I got a cameraman who follows me around everywhere to film all my accidents? I would have been the perfect material for a comedy, me and my clumsiness. Like this morning on my way to the subway, running down the stairs in the yard, I got stuck with the bag in the stair railing and fell backward while my bag went ritchhhhh and the whole side of it torn up. GOOD START IN THE MORNING :) Felt like the rage guy in the post below. Had it not been for my mother who bought the exact same bag like mine I would have been standing in the rain crying a little bit. And to think of that I complained to her that it was unnecessary to have two of the same bag in one home... The irony. Anyway, what if someone had caught that incident on film. Or any of the many times I've slipped and made my ​​glamorous landings. Or the time I fell off a chair and hit my head. Or the time I fell in the same escalator twice in a row. The list is long, but having it on film would have been priceless.

Rage Comics

After a bad day, there are always ways to cheer up yourself, for example, waste time online reading Comics. Rage comics always make me laugh (easily amused as I am) and although I don't usually post humor pictures, inspirational pictures or pictures that is not taken with my camera at all, I have put together a few comics I think are funny, for you with the same "amazing sense of humor".

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