Fire in Skarpnäck

Instagram - September & October

Instagram: lanakarat
Friends Arena

The sweetheart of Sweden, Loreen. Still can't understand how the Eurovision will be held in Malmö, instead of here, absolutely unbelieveble...


Svi smo na nogama kad krene muzika

After two tough weeks with a lot of studying, renovation of our home, me being ill and in pain of various kinds (what haven't I suffered from last week?) it was finally time for a well deserved weekend and p-p-p-party! And finally, I remembered to take some pictures with my camera. It was a really fun evening yesterday with better pre-party than clubbing. Unfortunately, the music in the club was crappy, but what to do. Worse was having to get up after only a few hours of sleep in order to go with my family to Ikea. Now that the walls and floor are complete, it was time to buy some new furniture. I really can't wait until everything's finished, it's mentally tiresome to live in this kaos. I think my mom is close to a psychosis.
And I get a psychosis just by the thought of that it's already Monday tomorrow.
Bosnians on tour
Yesterday's qualifying matches really put their mark on all social media, even today. Sweden had a unbelieveble match against Germany. I, however, followed Bosnia and as usual I cheered and wished that I was there. It's the only time I'm really interested in football and cheer with all my heart, and it's such a great feeling to stand in the crowd. Right now Bosnia is the lead of the group, I hope it continues at the same rate. Next year, I'll probably do a couple of trips! I looked through some old pictures and thought I should publish some flashbacks. We all love that, don't we?
Estonia - Bosnia 2009, Tallinn
This trip to Estonia is still among the funniest and craziest things I have ever experienced. It was three intense days with cheering and partying from beginning to end. We took the ferry from Stockholm to Tallinn and the whole boat was a big party, in all cabins, all passages and discos. Tallinn was crowded by Bosnians dressed in blue, yellow and white. And we won the game.

Look how little we were! Or maybe not, but three years feels as an eternity ago. Two 17-year-old girls among a bunch of fanaticos.

Here is a clip of many. Oh, it was such an indescribable energy on that boat all night! I save you from the rest, although there are crazier clips, our singing (screaming) is bad for your ears.
There was not a single boring minute of the journey. Even when you just went to your cabin you met happened a bunch of singing fools in underwear, appropriately singing "ovdje niko nije normalan" meaning "No one here is normal." I have many more clips from this sick trip, I still cry with laughter watching them, but I will get slaughtered if I publish them..
Sweden - Bosnia 2010, Stockholm
We had all been waiting this match. Home country against home country. Even though it was a friendly match, we were many Bosnians from all over Sweden who gathered, making the arena feel like home arena to Bosnia. The finest moment was when we all applauded after the Swedish national anthem. It was obvious that it was a friendly match, it was a wonderful atmosphere but not at all like the qualifier games. Bosnia lost unfortunately, but win or not - with so many Bosnians in the place, the after-party was a must.

France - Bosnia 2011, Paris
Here we were real fighters who went to Paris over one day, with no hotel or packing, just for the game's sake. It was among the most exhausting I've been through, but worth everything! We were unbelievably many Bosnians who went there to support the team in this crucial match. Although Paris is much larger than Tallinn was, you could still see blue, yellow and white everywhere.

This was such a powerful sight. We were about 20,000 and took up a quarter of the arena, and managed to overpower the French. The happiness when we scored and took the lead was indescribable, everything exploded.

But of course France scored with an unfair penalty. Now that we are number one in the group with the most goals in Europe, we really got the hope of getting to play in the World Cup this time. I'm so damn tired of stumbling over the finish line and meeting Portugal in the playoffs every time. But this time... This time.
Work hard, party hard

Time to make som noise. I'm alive, miraculously after this weekend. It was over in a second and I remember about half of it. We were a big crew went out on Saturday, it was very fun and for some reason everybody went crazy, probably a bit to hyped after a tough school week. The have pumped us with tasks in school, hence the absence here. We have a task to complete each day and it has to go fast, fast, fast. It's been tough, but oh how effective we have been. I think I have produced more last week than we did in a month last year. And I really do my best to avoid weekend work, unfortunately, I have to sacrifice some weekday evenings. I haven't had time to go to the gym this week, even though I started so well with working out twice a week. This week seems to be worse. School vs. life, you can not have both, apparently Tonight, however, I refuse to work, now it's time for my bed, cookies, Revenge and phone date with my person, Karin (you who are watching Grey's Anatomy understand the expression "my person", Meredith and Christina are each others person). Good nighty.
I love my education

Colors fade, memories remain

Come and take a walk on the wild side

Good start of the week! The day began with a study visit to the Woodland Cemetery. How convenient for moi, I could sleep in and and be there in ten minutes with bike instead of taking the subway. Imagine if every morning could start with a bike ride in the sun. After the visit, we finished for the day. Our schedule this week is too good to be true, and I'm just wondering what the catch is. TELL ME, WHAT'S THE CATCH?! My classmates told me to shut up and be happy, so I will do as they say. Because I know that this is the calm before the storm since the first project starts next week.
Today I also got a haircut. Finally. Now I feel fresh. And I have a new coat that has made me glad about the autumn. And I have started working out for real. Yes, it's true.
I feel no "duty" to blog and therefore I don't do it when I don't have the time or will, but I often think of it during the day. I do it automatically after several years of blogging, and it doesn't take very much time or energy. What takes the most time is to edit photos, to "design" the post, the order in which the images are coming up, etc. (if you only knew how picky I am with details), so I put a lot of effort that part, but I think it's fun.
Oh, there are so many countries I want to visit in every continent! I want to do a coast to coast road trip in the U.S., I want to visit Japan again, Singapore, Malaysia, China, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey... I could go on forever. There are so many beautiful and different places to see, so many other environments, culture and architecture to experience. I'm very interested in how other people live and think, it doesn't matter if I'm in Japan, Germany or Egypt, I can sit and just watch people and try to imagine living their lives, what they think, what they think about me from Sweden and so on. I'm a little extra into Asia and would like to visit cities there because it's so awesome to see people living in modern cities in the same way as we do, but still have a culture that differs so much from the West.

...And mention your favorite building and why it is! :)
- I don't really a favorite yet, but to mention one anyway, I say the first that comes to mind and that I have seen IRL - the Prada store in Tokyo. I fell for both the outside and inside. Everything from the simple entrance to how it is constructed, how it is lit at night, the luxurious fitting rooms, the grid of "bubbly" windows... Genius. Here you can find more pictures.

Green Harmony

A sunny saturday without any obligations means time for a trip. We took the car to Tyresö castle where we walked around in the park and had a picknick by the water. So nice and peaceful. Just what I needed this weekend.
Stvarnost nam je crno-bijela, a buducnost siva


Instagram - August

After a month abroad, it was a great to come home to Stockholm and meet all friends again. As usual, Natalie was the first person I met, for updates and brownies.Tradition is tradition.

However, it didn't take long before I decided to go on a little trip again, this time to my dear Jasmina, and the weekend was spent in Falköping and Gothenburg, where we had a lot of fun.

Some days me and my boyfriend didn't do anything else but just being lazy at home. We started our annual Harry Potter marathon a bit earlier this year and got mindfucked by too much watching (I seriously thought that I saw a Death Eater as soon as I walked past a man in a black cloak). The second picture is of my little crib that I build one day (long live the child within me!), it didn't take long though before my hajvan brother threw himself on it and ruined it.

I've had some really fun nights out this month. I came home at dawn, tired but happy, every time. I have a bunch of blurry iPhone pictures from all those nights.. Many are still a mystery.

I been on many BBQs and double-dates. And I bought a new necklace at H & M.

Walked around at Riddarholmen and other nice places in town. And ate at Vapiano again, I can't get enough of pollo piccante!

I been to many coffee houses and also made a visit to Ikea. Hopefully my little room makeover project will start now in september, I'm living in a mess right now.
Sweet September Sun

Apparently, I got one more day with shorts, yesterday the sun surprised us with lovely september heat. I started late and was able to meet up with my boyfriend for a lunch on the pier in Old Town before we headed off to our universities. The best places in Stockholm are by the water, and completely free to enjoy. Oh, I really hope for more sunny september days and opportunities like this, I'm not ready to let go of the summer yet!
Afternoon in Old Town

I'm doing my best to enjoy the last days of "summer" in beautiful Stockholm. I prefer to stay in town after school and I'm not coming home before late in the evenings. You have to take the opportunity before the darkness and tiredness take over the days. I'm also pretty sure that this was the last day I wore shorts...
Rome - part 2

Third day in Rome started with a visit to the Colosseum, which was one of the absolute highlights. The Vatican and the Renaissance in all its glory, but we are both more fascinated by ancient Rome and how Romans lived 2,000 years ago.

Here we unfortunately didn't have any prepaid skip-the-line tickets, and we refused to wait a few hours in the queue but wanted to get in (a tourist's gotta do what a tourist's gotta do) so we paid a extra for a guided tour and to enter directly.

The guided tour turned out to be the best we could have done, the visit was so much more worthwhile and interesting with a guide that could tell the story behind the Colosseum, about gladiators, the area around it, how it all happened, why it got destroyed and so on. It's a much better experience this way, if you love ancient history like we do.

The movie Gladiator is one of my boyfriend's favorite movies. You can only imagine what was going on in his head when we walked through the same entrance as the gladiators entered. MAXIMUS!!!

Can you imagine that there were lot of animals down here which they lifted up to the arena through trapdoors, and that they had functioning toilets at the top of the arena. 2000 years ago. I would like to tell you everything we were told but you have to make the visit yourself!

Most of what you see in the picture above, from the Colosseum to the long track, lies in ruins today. In the pictures below you can see how the Colosseum looked like once upon a time. It even had a flexible roof. And this was before the Viking Age in Sweden...

We also got a guided tour of the Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. Afterwards we walk around among the ruins.

A failed attempt to smile. He was too angry since we for the third time had lost too much money on no food at all... We only got eight freaking ravioli pillows each! With a service fee of 5 € also. Never eat at Piazza Navona. Never eat at fancy tourist spots whatsoever. Eat at McDonalds. Just some tips.

The best thing about being there in the summer were those nice and warm nights, perfect for walking. The worst thing was that we saw more tourists than people from Rome. When I am abroad, I love to see how people there live, how young people hang out and what they do, how it would be if I myself was living there. Since we mostly spent our time on tourist spots we unfortunately saw very little of that.

Beautiful Trevi Fountain, where it's usually crowded by tourists. We had to get there fairly early in the morning for me to get my own space by the fountain. Of course we also threw coins, which means that we will return to Rome.

Not far away are the Spanish Steps. I was a little disappointed when I saw that they weren't covered with flowers like I've seen in pictures, but that is apparently in May. Note to self: Go to Rome in May next time.

Nearby the Spanish Steps is Villa Borghese, Rome's largest green space. In the middle of the park there is a small artificial lake where you can take a boat trip, which we did, of course.

I was totally excited when we discovered a few turtles in the lake, we even got a baby turtle on our oar (along with a lot of seaweed). Then we noticed that there were turtles everywhere!

Wherever this yucky seaweed was, you could also find a lot of turtles chilling in it! I've never seen so many turtles, we couldn't even paddle by without touching them.

Rome is really the city of scooters. We wanted to rent one so badly, and would probably have done it if either of us had a driving license, even though it is dangerous in that traffic. But it seems so nice! Next time...

And that was the last of our wonderful trip this summer!
Back to the University

After three months of vacation, it was now time to head off to the School of Architecture again. Feels like I was there yesterday. However, there was a bit new for us - new examiners and new groups. It was really fun to meet everyone again and even though I didn't want my old group to shatter it feels good to get to know other people in the class a little better. Something else good is also that the first project does not begin until October. The whole schedule and layup seems much better this year. A good start in other words.